Sunday, August 15, 2010

"Love is like a war...

easy to begin, but hard to stop."

This is the bit of wisdom that the fortune cookie held at Jenna and Fredy's rehearsal dinner.

Now, let me rewind:

Six years ago, I was living in Nacogdoches, TX with a wonderful roommate and friend, Jenna. Neither of us were aware that within the next few months we would be meeting our future
spouses. Truth be told, Jenna didn't know even when she met Fredy. Now, I will say, Jenna told me on many occasions, despite my protests, that Fredy had the potential to be a great man. I just was too young and naive to see it through my friend's eyes. It wasn't long after that Jenna moved away to go to Pharmacy school, Jakob moved in to my apartment, and we went on with out lives completely oblivious.

Fast forward now to Summer 2009. Jenna is graduating from Pharmacy school, and calls with news.....she's getting married!! Fredy, who apparently has more romantic thoughts in his head than I ever gave him credit for, proposed in the most perfect way! I went to Tulsa for her graduation, and got to enjoy the early stages of "wedding talk."

A few months later, Jenna called and asked me to be in her wedding. I, of course, said yes after crying like a freaking baby. This, although I wasn't aware of it, was a omen of what was to come.

Well, now it's August 2010, and the wedding is here (and yes, I cried like a baby).

Jakob and I thoroughly enjoyed the rehearsal....

the ceremony....

and the weekend away with friends we haven't seen in a while.

Congratulations Jenna and Fredy! We love you both!!

1 comment:

Lillian Robinson said...

It's so wonderful to celebrate those times with those we love.